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Faking it is so in...


Have you been thinking about a new kitchen, sprucing up your living room furniture or even refurbishing your business??

Why not consider revamping your original units, doors, walls and tables with ARCHITECTURAL VINYL and it won't even cost you near as much as the real thing.

Let me introduce you to Cover Styl'. Their self-adhesive vinyl can be used on walls, facades, doors, columns, you name, it can cover it. With the endless options you’re spoiled for choice here, there's marble, metallic, wood effect, even glitter!

So I say, why replace when you can simply upgrade?

Available in more than 1000 colours, textures and patterns, this product is moisture and heat resistant plus easy to clean and maintain. The embossed patterns recreate an authentic and realistic feel and most of all it is 50-70% cheaper than a traditional renovation, for the same visual result.

This is the solution that allows you to keep up with fast moving trends!

Here's just a few they have to offer from each of the ranges:

This product is not only ideal for an individuals home, but is a great way to revamp a business such as cafe's, restaurants, shops, and even hotels. Plus there is no need to worry about shutting down your business for weeks.... a renovated room can take from only 1 - 2 days with minimum disturbance, no smell, no noise, no moisture. But please don't feel limited to flat surfaces, it can stretch up to 200% in order to adapt.


I know I sound like a sales person but to be honest I've falling in love with this product so much so that I am re-designing my kitchen as we speak.

Want to see what other finishes are available? Why not pop in to go through our full, hardback binder brochure... and I'll even get the kettle on :)

Hope to see you soon!

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